
Simple Yet Meaningful

Finally, exam ku abis dh,tingal dis one big thing g kn dbwt, blm tah abis2nya,hopefully abis th smua by dis week, kn nyimpan energy g..Klmarin i went to Miri, wif mybaby car, as always,long queue at Brunei Custom compared to its opposite site..bek jua na bth nungu..Sampai dsna,had to drop my 2 sis at Bintang Plaza psl durg kn mliat wayang TWILIGHT,ntah lurus kn nda ejaan a2...Den i wif my baby went to survey2 thing for own event,mun dBrunai nada bnyk pilihan, SALE pun mcm nda sale jua,hehe...Luckily we manage to get everything xcept handbag N ladies shoe...bali dBrunai th saja ni..
ODW homme, everyone was sleeping, aku tah saja tingal mnungkat mata,bek jua ada ALI CAFE di-sisiku,wawawa,psl tkut aher smpai rmh,soo aku drive lah laju2 from Liang till Bandar, abis smua gue putung,bek jua nda PUTUS krita bisdia a2,haha,xcept for dis Ford Focus,pyh2 mbubut,di-ujung2 mata saja,nda g dpt kn d-dakati..haha..
Anyway,walawpun laju, yg penting keselamatan penumpang mesti di-utamakn..



Khairul & Mawar

A personal blog with personal touch and creativity, bridging our world closer to you, the reader, and expressing our thought and vision and sharing it together. As people mention," A picture worth a thousand meaning than words" and that is what we believed and trying to expressed in this simple blog.


Proud Moment